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Korthausae Killifish - Large

Korthausae Killifish - Large
Korthausae Killifish - Large
From €10.00
Ex Tax: €8.13
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  • Model: -
  • EAN: 5391526934029

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The Killifish family are best in pairs. Seahorse Aquarium keeps all killifish in Pairs and recommend to house both sexes in the aquarium. The Korthausae Killifish is a beautiful and easy-to-care-for killifish. The distinct banding on the Korthausae Killifish gives it an interesting, tiger-striped appearance that accentuates its bold and vibrant colour pattern. The name Killifish is derived from the Dutch word meaning ditch or channel, where these brilliantly coloured fish are found in the wild. The Korthausae Killifish will add exciting colour and activity to the aquarium and should be kept with peaceful community aquarium fish. However, if you are interested in breeding the Korthausae Killifish, a species aquarium consisting of roughly equal numbers of males and females is recommended for best success. The male Korthausae Killifish is very brightly coloured and the tips or edges of the fins are outlined with a brilliant white/sky-blue trim. The female Korthausae Killifish is more subdued in colour and form and lacks the distinct stripes. The Korthausae Killifish is not demanding and can adapt to a variety of water conditions. This fish prefers a heavily planted aquarium and softer water on the acidic side. This species of Killifish is an annual species. A breeding tank is ideal with a 2-3 inch layer of peat at the bottom. The Korthausae Killifish will bury the eggs in the peat. After spawning, remove the peat that contain the eggs and press out any excess water. Place the moist peat with the eggs in a plastic bag or sealed jar for 3 to 4 months at room temperature. After that time period, add aquarium water back to the peat to hatch the fry. Place the fry in a small holding tank and feed the newborn fish live baby brine shrimp. The Korthausae Killifish will accept most live foods such as brine shrimp, white worms, tubifex, and some commercially prepared flake and frozen foods.

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